PSPの基盤を確認できる「pspident」がバージョンアップしました (*・ω・)ノ
0.74.2 -> 0.75
- Added new PSP-E1000 codename "Street"
0.74.1 -> 0.74.2
- Added new PSP-3000 with tachyon=820000 (shipped 6.35 / DATE CODE 1A)
-- Don't know what mobo they really has inside, so call they TA-095v2/Brite v4.1 for now
- "Brite" -> "Bright"
0.74 -> 0.74.1
- Fixed wrong english string (6.2x -> 6.3x)
-- Thx to soulburn for attention
0.73.2 -> 0.74
- Latest PSP models (TA-095) support
- Now you may see your g-spot... erm, g-eneration
※ なぜかXMBでは 0.74 と表示されます。
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② 出てきた「PSPIDENT」フォルダをメモステのPSP→GAMEにコピー